First Sorrow
First sorrow
Like the first scratch on the paint
Remember the freedom you felt,
knowing you could skin your knee
and still run
Threads pulled from the seam where the brambles grab
Tumbled out of the bushes and back on the bike,
riding hard, down the hill and try the turn again-- Again--
The night your father almost left, and the next morning
you woke up and heard the yelling in your head like a dream
-- our love has consequence -- the way we love
can wound like so much bramble
Didn't you hug your mother more fiercely
knowing you were both already covered in mud?
Didn't she love you more fiercely, even after
you broke the vase, her mother's mother gave her, priceless,
shattered crystal on the floor but she swept it up
checked for shards in your fingers
"Things break sometimes, even when we're careful"
Even when we're not careful
Remember the freedom!
Knowing you could belly flop with such force
that it would leave a red slop of hurt on your pale
Stomach, pulled yourself out of the pool
Laughing, urged your friends to follow suit
Usually has some red at the edges
There's living
And there's living after pain
There's a thrill in risk, yes, but that's not the heart of it
It's giving your blood to the outside world
Being alive with everything else
Letting yourself be touched
Letting yourself be marked
Not to be a martyr -- to Be
Among the Living
I won't wish you smooth rides
Through sunny Sunday drives
Long empty roads
Not only, at least
I wish you
The wind pushing back
Resistance as
Pain as an identifier
I wish you sorrow the way
I wish rain onto farmlands and callouses into fingers,
Or wildfire rushed through a forest to start anew
I wish you the pain of birth, of light in your eyes
For the first time, the agony of your heart
Holding the knowledge of every mistake,
Every possibility, and still beating
I wish you a multitude of scratches on the paint,
if it lets you ride more freely
if it teaches you to how to fall
And how to care for the fallen
I wish you First Sorrow,
So the second can be softer, or so
You can move into your life like
The greatest thing you can lose is not comfort
But yourself
Christie Flemming